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Professional Garage Door Installation and Services in Milwaukee

Don’t Think Twice. Call GEIS Building Products!

Residential Garage Doors
Commercial Garage Doors
Commercial Garage Doors
Garage Door
Service & Repairs
Garage Shelving
Garage Opener and Accessories
Openers & Accessories

Experienced, Reliable Garage Door Repairmen

Your home’s garage can provide convenience, storage solutions, and added security for your home. A problem with your garage door can affect your safety and comfort. Garage door repair is not a simple weekend DIY project. You need experienced professionals with the right tools and equipment to do the job safely and correctly. At GEIS Building Products in Milwaukee, WI, we have a team of experienced garage door technicians who will arrive at your home with everything needed to provide new garage door installation, replacement parts, or professional garage door repair. As soon as you notice even a minor issue with your garage door, call our team and request an estimate for garage door repair in the Greater Milwaukee Area.

Warning Signs You Need Garage Door Repair

If you notice the early warning signs that you need garage door repair, your repairs may be less extensive and less expensive. You can extend the lifespan of your garage door by scheduling regular inspections, preventive maintenance services, and timely repairs. Our team of experienced garage door contractors can ensure your garage door is operating safely and correctly. If it will cost more to repair your garage door than to replace it, we can recommend a new garage door installation. Call us today if you notice any of these warning signs that you need garage door service and repair:

  • The garage door won’t open or close.
  • The garage door starts to open or close and then reverses position.
  • The door makes an alarming noise as it opens or closes.
  • You cannot open the garage door manually, even though the release is disengaged.
  • Your garage door won’t fully open or close.
  • The garage door is off its track.
  • One or more garage door sections or panels are damaged or broken.
  • The garage door springs or torsion are broken.
  • The garage door is visibly sagging.
  • The garage door jerks as it closes or is unbalanced.
  • You can see signs of pest, animal, or hail damage on your garage door panels.
  • You can see loose or broken cords or wires.
  • Your garage door is over 15 years old.
  • Your energy bills have been increasing with no cause.

Our Garage Door Installation & Repair Services

We offer comprehensive commercial garage door services throughout the Greater Milwaukee Area. We have earned our reputation as the most reliable and affordable garage door repair company across seven counties, including Waukesha County, Washington County, Ozaukee County, Milwaukee County, Kenosha County, Racine County, and Walworth County. Our garage door contractors have extensive training and experience and can quickly assess and diagnose the problem with your garage door and find the most effective solution. Call us today if you need any of these garage door services:

  • Residential and commercial garage door installation
  • Custom wood garage doors
  • Garage door repair
  • Broken spring replacement
  • Replacement garage door sections
  • Garage door opener repair and replacement
Garage Door Services in Milwaukee, WI

Why Choose GEIS Building Products

At GEIS Building Products, we are a locally owned and operated 4th generation family business. We have provided quality, affordable garage door services in Greater Milwaukee since 1955. Our goal is to offer good service at fair prices and exceed customer expectations in every interaction. Our customers are at the center of every decision we make, and we want to build genuine, lasting customer relationships. Our reputation in the industry is why we get so much repeat business, and so many of our customers are referrals.

We specialize in garage door installation, garage door repairs, garage openers and accessories, and garage and closet shelving. Our service area extends throughout seven counties in the Greater Milwaukee area, and we have the largest selection of garage doors, parts, and accessories in the state. Our friendly, courteous technicians have extensive experience and can handle any garage door issue, big or small.


Request an Estimate from Our Garage Door Repair Company

Don’t let a problem with your garage door affect your home’s safety or your convenience. Call us today or contact us online to request an estimate for garage door repair or new garage door installation in the Greater Milwaukee Area. We offer 24-hour emergency garage door repairs and have the largest selection of new garage doors in town. Let us improve the security and comfort of your home with professional garage door repairs.