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Reliable Commercial Garage Door Services

GEIS Doors understands that for commercial applications, toughness, and durability are the names of the game. Few doors in your home are used more than your garage door. When you trust GEIS Doors to repair or replace your door, you will be treated with courtesy and respect. We’re here to help you determine what you need from the first phone call – we can offer advice, and dispatch a technician or a salesperson. We have the professionals you can trust.

Large and Sturdy commercial garage door services in Milwaukee, WI

Functional and Durable Overhead Garage Doors

Our overhead commercial garage doors are constructed only using the finest raw materials and customized with computer-aided precision, ensuring each commercial garage door we sell or install is delivered on time and with care. Every overhead door we install is engineered to be affordable and dependable, even in the most demanding environments. These are the overhead commercial garage doors we offer.

Ribbed Steel

These commercial garage doors offer a variety of flush, ribbed, or raised panel designs that come in multiple colors, textures, windows, and steel gauges. The ideal use for these doors includes warehouses, loading docks, and industrial and agricultural facilities.

Thermal Insulated

Our thermal insulated doors are the best choice for premium construction and maximum thermal efficiency. They are made with steel and are designed to reduce air infiltration, and they come in several different designs without compromising durability and efficiency.

Full View Glass

An ideal choice for commercial buildings requiring visibility, access to natural lighting, and a modern look. We’ve installed these in restaurants, fire stations, mechanics, and car dealerships. You’ll be able to customize the window, color, design, and performance options.

GEIS Building Product's rolling steel garage doors, showcasing innovation in Milwaukee, WI.

We Offer a Variety of Rolling Garage Doors

We strive to grow, innovate, and meet our customer’s demands, which is included in our rolling garage doors. Our options range from counter shutters to every size and model possible of rolling garage doors to fire doors. Regardless of your needs, our team has the solutions you need. Here are the commercial rolling doors we offer.

Counter Shutters

Our counter shutters utilize rugged construction and are designed to provide maximum security. These shutters are designed for interior or exterior use and are offered in steel, aluminum, and stainless steel.

Mini Storage

These heavy-duty storage doors come in various colors and are made with steel to provide security for your commercial property. We use rust-resistant materials to ensure durability and that each mini-storage door we install is built to last.

Rolling Steel

Regardless of your needs, we have rolling steel doors for every model, size, and option. The rolling doors we install are known for minimal maintenance with quick and easy installations.

Fire Doors

These are made to meet the most demanding fire safety standards and can be made to fit unusual opening sizes. While they are designed to close automatically in the event of a fire, our doors are also available for commercial applications.

Our Hollow Metal Doors Are Built to Last

GEIS Doors provides a full line of hollow metal doors made of reinforced sheets filled with insulation materials such as kraft honeycomb or polyurethane. Our metal doors have been shown to offer superior performance and are designed to be more sanitary, easier to maintain, and withstand more wear and tear than traditional wood or aluminum doors. We take pride in offering a durable steel door at the lowest cost while using the highest quality materials.

Maximize Productivity With PVC Strip Curtains

Our PVC strip curtains are an affordable and easy way to separate environments or rooms within your workplace without losing productivity. For a warehouse, loading dock, or cold storage facility, our strip curtains enhance workflow, reduce energy costs, and streamline operations. Some benefits of utilizing our PVC curtains include the following.

Low Maintenance
Isolate and Reduce Noise
Decrease the Movement of Contaminants
Reduce Pests
Transparent and Easy for Employees to Pass Through

Trust Our Team of Professionals for Your Business

Our team understands that your commercial garage doors need to be durable, strong enough to withstand daily use, and secure sufficiently to ensure your workplace is safe. Our commercial garage door services are designed to meet all your needs while exceeding your expectations. All our doors are made using top-quality materials and engineered by industry leaders to ensure each of our products is long-lasting and hassle-free. Don’t think twice; call us to get a quote and schedule your new commercial garage door installation.

Garage Door Broken? Don’t Think Twice. Call GEIS!

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