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Discover the premier blend of form and function with GEIS Building Products. With classic to contemporary styles and superior-grade materials, our garage doors exude character, security, and long-term performance. Explore an endless selection of premium garage door styles and bring value to your Milwaukee, WI, home, or business.

Superior Garage Door Styles in Milwaukee, WI

Garage Door Styles That Align with Your Needs

Garages are more than storage solutions. These features account for a large portion of your property’s appearance. As such, discovering garage door styles that align with your functional requirements and your aesthetic preferences is non-negotiable. To find the best fit for your home or business, look to GEIS Building Products’ wide selection of different styles of garage doors.

Traditional Garage Doors

If your style leans more traditional, GEIS Building Products has you covered. Classic garage door styles seamlessly integrate with many diverse architectural styles. These classic garage doors are defined by their raised panels, neatly placed in even rows, and complete with decorative window additions, such as beveled frames, scrollwork, or grid panes.

Classic Garage Door Selection

To upgrade your home with a timeless look, GEIS Building Products provides several classic garage door styles. Our traditional selection includes:

  • Shoreline garage doors
  • Overlay carriage house doors
  • Short or long raised panel doors
  • Stamped carriage house doors
  • Stamper shaker garage doors

Modern Style Garage Doors

Contemporary garage door styles have gained traction in recent years. These modern minimalist designs are not as ornamental as traditional styles to achieve a refined look. Modern-style garage doors are typically made of steel, with simple, clean lines and boxy, asymmetrical window positioning.

Contemporary Garage Door Styles

Our contemporary garage door collection welcomes sleek elegance to your home. Blending custom engineering with modern innovations, our modern-style garage doors boast enhanced resilience, energy efficiency, noise reduction, and safety with options including:

  • Horizontal, grooved Plank doors for texture, dimension, and visual interest
  • Ultra-sleek glass and steel Sterling doors
  • Simple to striking Skyline doors

Roll-Up Style Garage Door Options

Roll-up style garage doors are an excellent choice for commercial property owners looking to tap into robust security and high-performance durability without excessive maintenance. These efficient additions combat noise pollution, heat transfer, unauthorized access, and elemental damage with sustainable reliability and protection, with styles including:

  • Counter shutters
  • Mini Storage
  • Rolling steel
  • Fire doors

Insulated Style Garage Doors

Insulated garage doors bring long-term value to your property. These doors feature two layers of premium material with foam insulation separating each panel, contributing to enhanced temperature control. Insulated doors offer a myriad of advantages, from boosting energy efficiency and mitigating heat transfer to unmatched durability, security, and quiet, seamless operation.

Premium Garage Door Materials

With GEIS Building Products, you can rest assured that you’re choosing garage door styles made from only premium-grade materials. No matter your aesthetic preferences, our material selection boasts unmatched durability and competitive rates that you can feel good about. From solid steel to charming wood, versatile vinyl, and economical composite, the options are endless.

Steel Garage Doors

Opt for a lightweight yet durable material that calls for minimal maintenance with a steel garage door. These doors are budget-friendly and suitable for almost any climate. However, it’s important to note that without proper coating and protection, steel can succumb to rust and corrosion.

Wood Garage Doors

Achieve rustic flair with a charming wooden garage door style. With an array of wood varieties available, these doors are fully customizable, allowing you to demonstrate your unique style. Our wood options are equipped with natural insulation properties and are built to last a lifetime with protective coatings to mitigate warping and swelling.

Fiber Glass Doors

For peak protection and longevity without sacrificing beauty, fiberglass doors are the premier choice. Fiber materials can mirror the look of other, less resilient options, eliminating the risk of rot, pests, moisture damage, and splintering. Tap into aesthetic value with composite garage doors. These advantageous investments are cost-effective, economical, highly durable, and low maintenance. They require half the expenditure and maintenance of natural wood while still offering undeniable charm and style.

Contact The Garage Door Experts

Whether you prioritize energy efficiency, security, curb appeal, or a blend of every premium garage door feature, GEIS Building Products’ inventory boasts styles for every requirement and preference. From modern-style garage doors to craftsman, roll-up, and beyond, contact us to get started.

Garage Door Broken? Don’t Think Twice. Call GEIS!

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