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Take Advantage of Our Residential Garage Door Services

GEIS Building Products understands a new garage door can contribute to your home’s curb appeal, in addition, a well-maintained door/opener provides safety and dependability as well. When you are ready to replace or repair your overhead door and or opener, you can trust our trained technicians to get the job done. We have partnered with CHI Overhead Doors to provide high-quality doors in a variety of styles to fit your style and budget.

Contact Us Build a Door

Residential Plank style garage door in Milwaukee, WI

Experience Our Contemporary Collection

A solid garage door can improve energy efficiency, reduce noise from the street, and improve curb appeal. We offer a contemporary collection for homeowners looking to keep up with modern trends. If you have any questions regarding the styles we offer, please give us a call. Here are examples from our contemporary collection.

Horizontal planks style garage door with modern appeal in Milwaukee, WI.

These horizontal grooved planks add texture and interest to your home’s garage door. They create depth and subtle dimensions while adding to your overall curb appeal.

Sterling garage doors by GEIS Building Product, offering premium quality in Milwaukee, WI.

Our sterling garage doors offer a unique combination of glass and steel to create an ultra-sleek profile and a modern look.

Skyline-style garage doors in Milwaukee, WI

Skyline-style garage doors can range from simple to striking. The flush doors can be a nice balance to your home, with the addition of oversized windows and contrasting window frames that can become the focal point in a modern home.

Add a Classic Touch With Our Carriage Collection

We’ll be happy to work with you to ensure all your style requirements and needs are met while providing an affordable quote. The carriage house doors we offer come in steel, fiberglass, or natural wood and a variety of designs.

Shoreline-style garage doors in Milwaukee, WI

This classic look uses the appearance and texture of natural wood overlays without the need for reoccurring maintenance. The shoreline look can add dimension to your home with over 24 available overlay designs, windows, glasses, and hardware options, all on accent wood tones foundation.

Overlay Carriage House style garage door in Milwaukee, WI
Overlay Carriage House

This line of carriage-style doors is carefully crafted, which results in an exceptional collection of traditional doors. Whether you prefer the strength of steel, the durability of fiberglass, or the beauty of natural wood, you’ll be able to find the garage doors you want with us. You won’t be able to find styles like this anywhere else.

Upgrade Your Home With a Timeless Look

For a lasting, distinctive design, explore our timeless collection. These residential garage doors are designed to offer personalized options to create the perfect complement to your home and its curb appeal. We’ll work with you to find the right design, color, and hardware to match your style. This is a look at what we offer with our timeless collection.

Raised panel-style garage door in Milwaukee, WI
Raised Panel

This style is available in long and short panel options. The classic style of quick panel or transitional long panel door enhances the exterior of various home styles.

Stamped Carriage garage door style in Milwaukee, WI
Stamped Carriage House

The stamped carriage door design is high in style and low on cost, which makes it a trendy choice for home improvements. You’ll be able to find several colors, window options, and decorative hardware choices for your new maintenance-free garage door.

Stamped shaker design garage door from GEIS Building Product in Milwaukee, WI.
Stamped Shaker

A garage door design made with clean, simple lines that utilize the minimalist approach. These together create a timeless practice, expert craftsmanship, and attention to detail designed to leave a lasting impression.

Personalize Your Home With a Custom Wood Garage Door

GEIS Building Products is proud to offer our customers unique wood garage doors. Your garage is the biggest door in your home, and a custom wood door allows you to personalize your home while boosting curb appeal. Here is a more in-depth look at the custom wood doors we offer.

Custom-style garage door in Milwaukee, WI
Full-Custom Garage Doors

These offer an additional way homeowners can distinguish their homes. Fully custom doors are all you need to create a statement for your home. All our custom wood doors are made with the finest materials and built by the finest craftsman in the industry.

Partial Garage DSemi-custom style garage doors in Milwaukee, WIoors
Semi-Custom Garage Doors

For those looking to add the natural beauty of wood to their home, we offer semi-custom garage doors. You’ll be able to select from various base designs and customize the color and hardware from there.

Swinging-style garage doors in Milwaukee, WI

Our custom swinging wood doors are meticulously handcrafted from top-quality materials and built to last a lifetime. You’ll work alongside our team of professionals to create and design a swinging door perfect for your home and garage.

Schedule Your Residential Garage Door Installation Today

Few doors in your home are used more than your garage door. When you trust GEIS Building Productsto service and repair your door, you will be treated with courtesy and respect. We’re here to help you determine what you need from the first phone call – we can offer advice, and dispatch a technician or a salesperson. We have the professionals you can trust. Contact us and get a quotation now.

Garage Door Broken? Don’t Think Twice. Call GEIS!

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